Sunday 26 May 2024



First female to win Formula 4🏁

21-year-old Abbi Pulling became the first female winner in British Formula 4 last week, beating 18 men and 3 women🎊

This victory came only seven days after Abbi picked up a double victory in the all-female F1 Academy championship in Miami.

While women are allowed to compete against men in Formula 1, the current circuit is exclusively male, and the last time a woman competed in a grand prix was 1976. 

To combat this, Formula 1 Academy was set up in 2023 to change the odds for women in racing.

F1 Academy is led by former professional racing driver Susie Wolff and champions change in motorsport by providing a platform to inspire and support young girls and women to embark on their own journeys.

#F1 #F1Academy #F4

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